Do You Need an MBA to Become a Business Consultant?

Do you have your heart set on becoming a business consultant but don't have an MBA? You may be wondering if it's necessary to get an MBA in order to enter the consulting field. The short answer is no, an MBA is not a requirement for entering the consulting field unless you plan to work for a senior management consulting firm. Several years of work experience in your field are often enough to demonstrate your experience as a consultant. Even if you're aiming for McKinsey, you don't need to have an MBA to enter. That said, there are many advantages to earning an MBA.

An MBA provides a broad base of business knowledge that consultants can draw on throughout their careers. It also allows you to specialize even more in your field with options for pursuing concentrations. Additionally, many consulting firms directly hire people from MBA classes. If you don't have consulting experience and are considering pursuing an MBA as a tool for change, there is no valid reason not to try to do it without the MBA.

You can use a variety of resources such as watching YouTube videos about preparing for consulting, reading case books from MBA programs to understand different industries and reading books on how to join consulting. Overall, an MBA is not a requirement for entering the consulting field, but it can be beneficial in terms of providing a broad base of business knowledge and allowing you to specialize even more in your field. If you don't have consulting experience and are considering pursuing an MBA as a tool for change, there is no valid reason not to try to do it without the MBA.

Rós Kimberl
Rós Kimberl

Avid travel lover. Evil travel trailblazer. Incurable zombie trailblazer. Subtly charming internet fan. Professional bacon maven. Wannabe music buff.

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